Pulau Macan loves Mother Nature

“In all the Thousand Islands, Pulau Macan is the only resort that attempts to use total eco-friendly methods in its operations,” announced Junior, the staff manager assigned to give new arrivals the seven-minute briefing after the welcome breakfast.  
His enthusiastic description of the resort’s efforts towards self-sustainability made me want to know more, so I went to the bar where Junior was working to get more information. 

“Eco-friendly resort! What does that actually mean?” I asked. “Ah, the eco-friendly concept!” he replied me, while he busied his hands working. 
“Can we discuss it after lunch?” he answered me politely because he was busy.  

To orient myself on a new island, I have a habit of first circumnavigating the island, on foot if possible. I managed to walk around the tiny (only 0.82 ha) isle comfortably in just five minutes. The Macan Island Resort occupies all the land of Pulau Macan (Tiger Island). Approximately 2 hours by speedboat from Marina Pier Ancol-Jakarta, the privately-owned island often hosts its maximum capacity of 40 guests on weekends, but a weekday guest may find he has the island to himself. This weekend, I was the only Indonesian guest among dozens of foreigners. 
Later, Junior met up with me to keep his promise to talk to me. “So, are you Indonesian?” Junior asked in Bahasa. Junior and I got to know each other and found that we both are guys who went to Jakarta (Junior from Bandung and me from Sumatra) to find fame glory, and, of course, employment.  I discovered that Junior had been with the resort for 3 years, so he understands well how this special hotel works. 

Macan Island Resort is not a sophisticated resort, as it doesn’t provide the luxurious facilities of a true five-star hotel. The 11 rooms of the resort include no AC or TV, neither in the Eco-cabins nor in the six rooms located right on the edge of the sea. There are no water heaters in the bathrooms, so bathers feel the natural sensation of tropical sun-heated water. 

The crash of thunder woke me: my Garmin showed that it was 2 a.m. The rain poured down, lightning flashed, and the sky roared, creating a strong awareness of Mother Nature. The temperature was cool, but it didn’t bother me as I snuggled down under a warm white blanket in my strong, dry Eco-cabin.

Not sophisticated doesn’t mean that this resort is not enjoyable. I woke up and listened to the splash of sea waves hitting each other, and the wind blowing through the trees whispering lovely bird songs in every direction. I opened my eyes slowly to find myself lying in a little hut sitting right on the edge of the sea, with the sky started to create the dawn. “It’s a beautiful morning,” I said to myself.  

Of all the activities offered to guests by the Macan resort, playing billiards and kayaking around the islands are my favorites. Table tennis and badminton are also offered, as are opportunities for individual and group snorkeling and diving. The beauty of coral and other underwater wonders (many planted by the hotel) can be seen even when standing on the jetty.  

I continued my interview with Junior. “From where is the resort’s source of electricity?” 
He pointed to the solar panel sitting on metal mounts in the shallow water on one side of the island. Part of its eco-friendly operations, the island uses only the three kilowatts of its own solar power produced daily. This is the reason why the briefing for new arrivals includes a warning to guests to avoid using devices, such as hairdryers, which are mega-consumers of energy.

Economizing water is also a priority as the resort uses water collected from the rain as its only source of fresh water.  “Please Save Water” signs are located everywhere to increase the guests’ awareness of loving nature by using water efficiently. 

Keeping Pulau Macan clean is such a big part of the resort’s eco-mission that plastic bags and packaging does not exist on the island. Even before they arrive, guests receive e-messages from the resort that they are not allowed to bring any food or drinks with plastic packaging. Also, guests are charged a bottle-corkage fee of 150,000 IDR for liquor and 100,000 IDR for wine.

I think essential aspects of love are beauty, a sense of caring, and cleanliness of mind and body. If this is true, then it is clear to me that the resort on Pulau Macan loves Mother Nature. The special experience of staying on the island shows that it is possible for both people – and Mother Nature – to enjoy each other. ~ Ritueli Daeli


  1. Your story makes me feel like I am in Tiger Island now. In terms of Eco friendly, I think this place is worth to visit. Last but not least, I love your charm in socializing with beautiful girls.

    1. Haha please come over. You will like this island 🌴🏝
